By Melanie McCraney, Founder of McCraney Communications
Snark Free Day, a day devoted to kindness, civility and verbal restraint sounds like a good idea – easy and even fun. A day devoted to eliminating rude, harsh or sinister sarcasm. Do you have what it takes? Who’s not up for that? Piece of cake, count me in!
On October 22nd, folks are being asked to put their snarky ways aside and just be nice. It’s Snark Free Day, and coast-to-coast, people are taking the pledge to go Snark Free. Others are asking, “What is snark and is it really so bad we need to be free of it?” Stealing a line from SnarkFree.com, the brainchild of Snark Free Day creators PRConsultants Group, “Basically, snarky behavior is rather commonplace and can otherwise be identified as sarcastic, snide, cranky, snappish, mocking, conveying contempt, snippy, grumpy, rude, seemingly morally or intellectually superior, and other dwarves that aren’t sleepy or happy.”
So why can’t we all just be nice?